Signs of the End
A Discovery of Biblical Timelines

Days before his crucifixion, Jesus gave his disciples signs that would herald his future return in the generation that saw them. These signs have occurred and point to major events on the immediate horizon. This book uncovers the corresponding timelines and their amazing linkage. The mathematical precision, accuracy, and corroboration leads to only one conclusion. Find out how in this exciting new book for those who are looking for the coming King of Kings.
The updated and expanded book is now available. Published by, it has been reformatted to 250 pages, 19 chapters, 6 appendices, and 82 diagrams. It is 60% more book than the previous edition.
Release date – July 8, 2008.
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” –Hosea 4:6a
Eighty-three weeks remain, it would seem before the Rapture of the Church.
Change is indeed coming. Events are already accelerating as we have entered 2009 in economic and political upheaval across the globe that only promises to get worse.
Only by understanding history through the lens of Scripture can people decipher what and when is soon coming. Surprising to many, Jesus and the Apostles gave clear clues to inform us who live at this very time.
Unfortunately, many have been deceived and are therefore not watching for the Lord’s return at this time.
Hopefully through the writings of the book, and the articles posted here, that can be reversed for some. The truth should be self-evident for those who are truly seeking it.
For those looking for objective biblical and historical revelation, the book and this site are here to provide the clear information that now is the time.
Time is running out for decisions to be made. For those who have not trusted in Jesus Christ as their Savior, it is time to believe before the coming judgment. For those who have believed, it is time to understand and warn others.
Jesus promised in the Olivet Discourse that the generation that saw the signs he was speaking of would not pass away before it was all fulfilled. World war was the first sign and now 92 years after 1917, when the full roster of nations had entered World War 1, the only time that remains for a biblical generation is 100 years.
The return of the Nation of Israel in 1948 occurred 2,520 360-day years after it returned from the Babylonian Captivity in 537 BC. Another time given for a generation is 70 years. Indeed, the Captivity lasted 70 years. The fall and winter of 2017 will be in Israel’s 70th year.
Israel regained Jerusalem in the Six-Day-War of 1967. However, Israel surrendered the Temple Mount just days later. Likewise, it was also 2,520 360-day years after Jerusalem ended its 70 years of Desolations started by the Babylonians.
The first Jewish settlement (1878) and birth of Zionism (1897) also came at 2,520 360-day years from the start of the Babylonian Captivity and destruction of Jerusalem.
The book and this site are your resources to find the startling conclusion that 2010-2017 lines up to be the years of Daniel’s Seventieth Week—the time known as the Tribulation.
All of the details can be found in the book or the updates from the Articles page.
“But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that this day should overtake you like a thief.”
1 Thessalonians 5:4
“. . .If therefore you shall not watch, I will come upon you as a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you.”
Revelation 3:3b
From the original home page:
Welcome to the author’s site of the breakthrough book–Signs of the End: A Discovery of Biblical Timelines. This book is unique because it demonstrates four timelines to the signs Jesus gave in Matthew 24. These signs were world war (World Wars I & II) and the return of the land of Israel to the Jews (Its rebirth in 1948 and the regaining of Jerusalem in the Six-Day-War of 1967). Not until these events had transpired could the pieces of the puzzle be put into place. The signs Jesus gave are the keys to understanding the time of the end of this age.
These four signs are linked by timelines from specific events of the Babylonian Captivity (please see bottom chart on this page). The greater discovery is that all of these signs are like stepping stones with further timelines to events in our immediate future. Timelines that were right under our noses, waiting discovery.
The discoveries in this book are simply amazing. Time and again the day counts and calculations are precise to the very day demonstrating God’s signature accuracy. Not only is it accurate, but it also corresponds thematically to the Jewish holidays and key biblical anniversaries as found in the Jewish Calendar. The conclusions are not based on fanciful math, manipulation of historical dates, or the author’s creativity. This book is guaranteed to be original and thought provoking. It should bring us to our knees.
Don’t be left behind or be fooled by those left behind.
Learn about the timing of the Rapture of the Church, the Russian (Gog and Magog) led invasion into Israel, the rise of the New World Empire, the Seven-year Tribulation, the destruction of the third Temple in Jerusalem, the War against the Jews, and the final battle of Armageddon.
The tools for these discoveries were the Bible, historical events, calendars, and events in the heavens.
This is unlike any other book available on prophecy today and it will leave your life perspective changed. The mathematical precision of the discoveries leaves only these questions remaining:
Will we have the faith to be found watching for Jesus when he returns?
Will we have the faith to tell others that now is the time to believe in Christ?
Or will we not bother and scoff at the promised coming of our Lord and Savior?
“Know this first of all, that in the last days mockers will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts, and saying, `Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation.’” 2 Peter 2:3-4

Signs of the End is the result of biblical interpretation in light of its typical time spans and calendar comparisons. Instead of only relying on ancient dates, significant dates of the last century were examined in the light of both the Old and New Testaments. Once the first discovery was made, the other pieces fell into place with almost uncanny precision.
Signs of the End will answer such questions as:
What are the specific signs of the end?
How do all the signs link up and point to the future?
How close might we be to the start point of the Rapture?
Is it possible or legitimate to know the time?
What are we supposed to be doing and what is next?
What are the events in the heavens communicating?
What is the future of the leading nations of the world?
How do the days of Noah fit in with the end?
What was the significance of World War I and World War II?
Why did Jesus say, “no one knows the day or hour”?
What is the length of a generation?
What does God’s covenant with Noah on the 27th of Heshvan point to?
What is the future significance of the 40 days and 40 nights of rain model?
Why is Hanukkah linked to the times of Daniel 12?
What is the significance of forty 360-day years (14,400 days) from June 7, 1967 to Heshvan 17, 2006 (November 8, 2006)–the anniversary day the Flood rains commenced?
What was the significance of the Yom Kippur War of 1973?
How do the forty days of Teshuvah point to the Rapture day?
What did the crossing of comets Hyakutake and Hale-Bopp on April 11th one year apart communicate?
What is the future significance of the days of Rosh Hashanah, the 17th of Heshvan (the day the Flood rains began), Purim, the 17th of Tammuz, Easter, the 9th of Av, Yom Kippur, Tabernacles, and Hanukkah??
Signs of the End puts all of these questions together with numerous charts to aid in understanding the times in which we now live. By simply counting the days of a generation, the truth of the end time may be revealed. Read on to discover the incredible coincidences that will motivate the believer in Jesus Christ to action.
Daniel W. Matson graduated from Multnomah Bible College and Seminary in Portland, Oregon where he earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Biblical Studies. He and his family currently live in Kennewick, Washington.

The following are samples of charts from chapter one. There are 37 charts in the book that clearly demonstrate what is unfolding.

The significance of these timelines are fully explained in chapter one of the book. The remainder of the book continues the timeline into the future and links it all together. The book demonstrates when and what will soon occur and why. The accuracy with which the entire model works in the book demonstrates similar accuracy as that of Daniel 9 and the time Jesus would be selected and crucified as the Passover Lamb. In fact the accuracy stumbled upon by this book happens repeatedly without complication or straining of the data. It would seem that God has set this up to reveal the time of Christ’s return. This may be controversial, but the book answers these tough questions by serious consideration of all Scripture.
This website looks for the best possibility of the coming time in light of the Bible and history. It is not an absolute prediction.
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